by Νικόλαος Μ. Κοκολάκης | Sep 18, 2019 | Blog
Hotels Near Me – Ederlezi Wondering how can i find hotels near me? What you should expect from a hotel in Athens city center today? About the qualities that make you choose a hotel to stay in your vacation or business trip to Athens? What is that you seek, Νικόλαος Μ. Κοκολάκης | Aug 11, 2019 | Blog
Hotels in Athens city center – Ederlezi One of the newest and certainly best boutique hotels in Athens City Center is Ederlezi Boutique Hotel. It is located in PsirrI, the vibrant heart of the city, in Lepeniotou 26 str. and is already popular with Νικόλαος Μ. Κοκολάκης | Aug 1, 2019 | Blog
Ederlezi – Hotels near Acropolis One of the newest and best Athens hotels near Acropolis is Ederlezi Boutique Hotel. Located in the vibrant Psirri neighborhood, Edelrezi Boutique Hotel is a superior choice for all visitors to Athens. For travelers who want to stay Νικόλαος Μ. Κοκολάκης | Jul 8, 2019 | Blog
A Greek garden in the heart of Athens When we think of nature, what is the first thing that comes to mind? The first color, the first sensation? The first feeling perhaps? What is the thing we associate with nature, at its core? What is clearly synonymous with nature...