Hotels in Athens city center – Ederlezi
One of the newest and certainly best boutique hotels in Athens City Center is Ederlezi Boutique Hotel. It is located in PsirrI, the vibrant heart of the city, in Lepeniotou 26 str. and is already popular with the visitors of Athens. Ederlezi Boutique Hotel is a superb choice for all who want to stay in Athens city center. Business and leisure travelers can find here the perfect spot for their stay. Ultimately, Ederlezi boutique hotel is among the best places to stay in Athen’s city center.
Tourists staying in Ederlezi Boutique Hotel in Athens center, are close to all major ancient and modern attractions. They are in walking distance from all areas of the center of Athens, Syntagma, Plaka and of course the Acropolis. Also, with the Monastiraki Metro station and the Thissio Railway station close by, they can access the entire Athens transportation system. They can come from the Athens airport and return to it, without ever changing trains. Likewise, they can travel to and from the port of Piraeus and the Greek islands. They can go wherever they want in Athens and be back to enjoy the closing of their day on the roof garden!
The Ideal Location
Ederlezi Boutique Hotel is one of the best hotels in Athens city center, also suitable for business travelers needs. Its position near the Monastiraki Metro brings them close to the Blue Line. The Blue line leads to the northern suburbs of Athens, Amarousion Chalandrion, Kifissia etc. where many business centers are located. Likewise, with the use of the Railway they can be in no time to Piraeus. Piraeus and its port are home to all major shipping corporations, whether cargo or passenger, that make Greece their headquarters.
Its spacious yet quiet rooms are perfect places for a professional to concentrate and work, feeling the natural vibes all around. Even better, Ederlezi’s roof garden is a place to think clearly and create, when you are in a creative profession. They don’t have to worry. Ederlezi Boutique Hotel’s Wifi connection is free to all of the hotel’s guests.
The area of Monastiraki and Psirri is the literal geographical, transportational and sightseeing heart of Athens. It is a vibrant part of the Athens center that tourists will visit to see the ancient sights. While being there they will savor the sounds and the tastes! It is where a group of friends will have a night out, in one or more of the bars and restaurants. Its even where a business meeting can occur, since its proximity to major business hubs makes it possible. Ederlezi Boutique Hotel stands in the heart of Psirri, in Lepeniotou str. So, we can say that Ederlezi Boutique Hotel is by all accounts, the true heart of Athens!

The significance of the city center
In every capital and major city of the world, the center is truly the heart of the city. It is the epicenter of economic and cultural life. The place where you can find the government services, the headquarters of the major corporations and thousands of other businesses. It is the area of the best shops of every kind, of the best restaurants, cafes and entertainment options. Furthermore, It is where thousands of people work or come every day for any number of business. It is also the place where groups of friends come for a night out. Finally, it is where the transportation network is thickest and many different transportation options exist.
The center of a city is always full of people and activity, during all times of day. And it is quite colorful, as different activities coincide, places of different use stand side-by-side and groups of people interact. Someone who stays in the center of a large city, comes in contact with a variety of sights and sounds.

The notion of the “historic center”
City centers are usually historic in their own right. Perhaps they are the area of the first settlement that grew into the modern city. Perhaps they were the site of major historic events affecting the city, or the entire country. In historic centers one can find buildings, squares and other spaces with great significance and even symbolic value. Monuments of many past periods may stand side-by-side or in close proximity to one another. Reminders of the city’s evolution that resulted in its uniqueness!
Most of the known and instantly recognizable monuments or sights of a city are within its historic center. Moreover, there are instances where part or the entire historic center is protected by international accords. Some are part of the UNESCO Catalogue of World Heritage Sites! This the case in many older Mediterranean cities, such as Corfu, Dubrovnik etc. This also the case in some ancient African, Middle Eastern and Asian cities.
This is of course the notion of “historic center” of a city. The historic center may be a somewhat different area, or may totally coincide with the actual modern public center. Usually this happens in European capitals and major cities with centuries or even millennia of history. This is especially true of Athens and Rome, ancient cities filled with countless monuments of historic periods from antiquity up to today. It is a testament to a city’s resilience in time when an area of it is continually inhabited. Ultimately, it is an even greater testament to the resilience of its people when the city center has remained the same for a long time, even centuries, or in the case of the afomentioned cities, millennia!

Athens city center
Athens is the bustling capital of Greece. It is the political, administrative, economic, commercial, transportational and cultural heart of the country. Gathered in Athens is everything an Athenian or a visitor might ask for and then some! To be frank, it is something that some Greeks living in other cities sometimes object to. A popular Greek saying “Greece is just Athens” conveys this feeling! Greeks from all over the country come to Athens for business reasons and for many other purposes. Dealings with the government, health exams, theatrical plays, conferences, seminars, trainings. Some of them can be offered only in Athens. As such, many Greeks from other parts of the country travel to the capital every day.
Athens city center is an extensive area, which one cannot define easily. It certainly includes Syntagma sq, the most central square of the city and the location of the Greek parliament; Monastiraki-Psirri, the nightlife and artistic center, a vibrant area of cafés & restaurants, theaters and pastry shops; Plaka, the “neighborhood of the Gods”, a picturesque place that brings to mind an island; Omonoia, with its large department stores & eateries; Metaxourgheio, an up-and-coming neighborhood where new art galleries and theaters open constantly; It may also include other neighborhoods, such as Victoria Sq, Pangrati and beyond.
Athenians and tourists consider all of those areas collectively as the center of Athens and they are right! The Athens city center encompasses all those areas, each with its distinctive characteristics. Business center, political and administrative center, entertainment and nightlife center, in Athens you can encounter all kinds of “centers” of a modern city!

Hotels in Athens city center
Hotels in Athens city center are essential for all those reasons stated above. Athens receives millions of tourists every year, during all 12 months! They come to marvel at the Acropolis and all the famous ancient and modern sites. The come to walk at Plaka, Monastiraki and Psirri. They may come as a stop between their transit to or from a Greek island. But all these people need to stay somewhere. More than that, they require quality accommodation and comfort during their much-deserved holidays!
Also, the thousands of Greeks who come every day to Athens from other areas of Greece, need accommodation too. They come for a number of reasons, professional, health, educational, recreational and other. Sometimes they need to stay in Athens center for long periods of time, even weeks, until their business concludes successfully. Not all of them have relatives or friends who can offer their houses for shorter or longer stays. Their needs are the same to the needs of tourists and even more so. They sometimes visit Athens for non-pleasant reasons and they need even more comfort or privacy.
Reasons to choose a hotel in Athens center
Both tourists and non-Athenian Greeks have a common trait: They usually prefer to stay in hotels in Athens city center. This is reasonable, since all major historic landmarks, as well as most of the government facilities are in the center. Most times, they search for hotels in the immediate area they are to visit, not the center at large. Although they care quite a lot about price, the greatest concern is quality. Nobody would ever want to stay in a very cheap but hideously dirty hotel, nor in an unsafe location. Fortunately, Athens is full of hotels, catering to all incomes. Hotels in Athens city center are offering quality accommodation, whether for a night, a weekend or longer.

Areas of hotels in Athens city center
Different areas of the Athens center house different styles of Athens center hotels. A type of hotel that is prevalent in a district may be non-existent or very scarce in another. It certainly has to do with the profile of the area and the way it developed over the years.
Monastiraki – Psirri
The vibrant heart of Athens, the area of Monastiraki-Psirri is the true hub of Athens center. Literally thousands of visitors come every day to the area. They stay in beautiful and stylish boutique hotels, with distinctive personalities. Most hotels in Athens center, in the area of Monastiraki and Psirri Athens are quite new, renovated literally from the bottom up. Visionary owners, architects and interior designers created urban hotels with new and innovative concepts. Several older, underused buildings in the entire city found a new purpose in the evolving landscape of Athens hospitality. It was in Monastiraki and Psirri that this was more prevalent, with the concept of the boutique hotel reaching its peak. Psirri is the location of Ederlezi Boutique Hotel, the new, BoHo-inspired boutique hotel that is a landmark in its own right!
Metaxourgheio is a hotbed for new hotel activity during the last years. New 4-star and 5-star hotels opened or changed management. Those changes came with radical renovations and sometimes an alteration of style. Visitors of Athens that stay in Metaxourgheio are close to all major attractions and also to many government services. They can find cheap accommodation and several amenities to make their stay more pleasurable. The Metaxourgheio metro station connects the area to the entire Athens transport network and to the Larissa Railway station. Larissa Railway station is the main Terminal of the Hellenic Railways that connects Athens to the entirety of continental Greece. As such, Metaxourgheio and the surrounding area is the first location of Athens that non-Athenians arrive to and seek hotels in Athens city center.
The area of Athens with the largest, most known and expensive hotels. Syntagma and the adjacent Panepistimiou, Stadiou and Syngrou avenues house major hotels with hundreds of rooms. Their history can date back decades and some of them even named the areas they are in! Luxury and business travelers mostly prefer these hotels. This fact is due to the many meetings and conferences that these hotels host throughout the year. They are landmarks on their own, with their bars, halls and cafes becoming meeting points of Athenians and tourists alike. However, due to their size, they do not have the distinctive feel and style of the newest boutique hotels in Athens city center. Their feel is more of an industrial, mass-tourism, all-encompassing hospitality style.
The most iconic and perhaps most known of the Athenian neighborhoods, the “Neighborhood of the Gods”, in the foot of the Acropolis. Plaka is home to several small boutique hotels near Acropolis. Owners of old and venerable neoclassical mansions renovated them to cater to the visitors’ needs. Their intention was to capitalize on the need of Athens hotels near the Acropolis and of hotels in Athens city center. Visitors in Plaka can stay in quite stylish accommodations, some would say unique. A downturn of a hotel here can be the steps that a visitor could sometimes climb to reach it.